Effects of In-Furrow Fertilizer Rate on Soybean Stand in 30″ Rows

Experiment Info

Planted: 5/24/2014
Variety: 20RD20
Population: 142,000
Row Spacing: 30″
Previous Crop: Corn
Plot Size: 15 x 290/310
Replications: 4
Harvested: 10/23/2014


Soil Test Values (ppm)

 pH: 7.0
CEC: 7.5
%OM: 1.6
Bicarb P 18
Bicarb P:
K: 71
S: 6
%K: 2.4
%Mg: 24.8
%Ca: 71.8
%H: 0
Zn: 1.5
Mn: 8
B: 0.6
Yield Goal: 60 bu/A
Target Fertilizer Rate: 0-0-135


An evaluation of in-furrow fertilizers at different rates to measure the effects on the established stand of 30″-row soybeans.

Placement of fertilizer in-furrow on 30″-row soybeans is risky, especially on light soils or in low moisture conditions. However, it is understood that there are many soils and growing conditions that this is an acceptable practice. This experiment was established to look at two products, Pro-Germinator and Kalibrate at three rates, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 gal/A and what effects they have on soybean stand. An  additional treatment of a combination of the two products was also tested. All treatments included 2 qt/A Micro 500 and were placed in-furrow with Rebounder seed firmers. Stand counts were taken 23 days after planting and can be compared to the untreated check. There was no difference in soybean yield and this data is not shown. Stand count results appear on the chart below.

soybean 14-504


  • In-furrow rates at 2.5 and 5 gal/A of Pro-Germinator decreased soybean stand by 10,000 plants/A.
  • Kalibrate at 2.5 and 5 gal/A did not show a significant loss in established stand.
  • The 7.5 gal/A of either fertilizer source applied in-furrow significantly lowered the soybean stand.
  • Pro-Germinator decreased stand more than Kalibrate.
  • Although there was stand loss, soybeans can compensate when it comes to yield.

2 thoughts on “Effects of In-Furrow Fertilizer Rate on Soybean Stand in 30″ Rows

  1. I have been using agroliquid on corn for about 5 years. Have a new planter and would like to try Sure K on no till 30″ rows. From looking at your test data it looks as if the foliar feeding Is more cost effiecient and works better. What do you think ? My dealer is Al Shaeffer – Blooming Praire MN.

    1. Hi there! Our long-term study has shown that Sure-K foliar works as well or slightly better than a higher rate at planting. And you are correct by saying that this is a more economic treatment, this is why I really like the foliar application. That being said, this greatly depends on what your soil test levels are and what nutrients you need. We have found that potassium applied as Sure-K can be very easily taken into the plant as a foliar, however, if you need phosphorus we have found it more beneficial to apply that at planting. With your new planter set up on 30” rows for soybeans you are going to be limited to how much you can place in-furrow it that is your placement method. The most I would recommend is 3 gal/A at that is highly dependent on your soil type. You will want to use caution if you have sandy soils or dry growing conditions. If you plan to place fertilizer away from the seed then you have a little more options to work with.

      Please let us know if you have any additional questions. We look forward to working with you!

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